How do we set up event-triggered notifications or alerts?

Below you’ll find a bunch of ways to set up notifications for yourself based on the data you’re sending through Segment. 

Connections Alerting

Connections Alerting allows Segment users to receive in-app, email, and Slack notifications related to the performance and throughput of an event-streaming connection.

Connections Alerting allows you to create two different alerts:

  • Source volume alerts: These alerts notify you if your source ingests an abnormally small or large amount of data. For example, if you set a change percentage of 4%, you would be notified when your source ingests less than 96% or more than 104% of the typical event volume.
  • Successful delivery rate alerts: These alerts notify you if your destination’s successful delivery rate falls outside of a percentage that you set. For example, if you set a percentage of 99%, you would be notified if you destination had a successful delivery rate of 98% or below.

For more information about Connections Alerting, see the Connections Alerting documentation.

Google Analytics custom alerts

You can use Google Analytics Custom Alerts to send yourself emails whenever a specific traffic segment drops below (or above) a threshold you set. 

Learn how to set up email alerts in Google’s documentation.

Analytics email summaries

With tools like Amplitude, Kissmetrics, and Mixpanel, you can set up email reports delivered to you on a daily basis. They are completely customizable, so you can keep an eye on as many events or other metrics you’d like. 

Realtime traffic monitoring

Chartbeat and GoSquared both offer awesome real-time dashboards to see what’s happening right now on your site. They both include the option to get notified when your traffic hits a certain threshold. For example, if your on-site visitors is less than 100 people, or more than 1,000.

GoSquared also offers in-depth historical and user analysis. Chartbeat sticks to realtime anonymous traffic, but offers some sweet features for publishers.

Webhook-based alerts

The last option Segment recommends is to use a monitoring tool like PagerDuty or Datadog and point Segment’s webhooks destination at them. That way you can set up custom alerts in their system.

Event-triggered emails

The last option for alerting based off of Segment events is to use one of the email tools available on the Segment platform that offers event-triggered emails. Your options there are, Vero, Autopilot, Outbound, Klaviyo, or Threads.

This page was last modified: 30 May 2024

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